Saturday, July 30, 2011

Webansers: Make money answering and asking questions.

So I have been using this website called Webanswers to see if I can make some money.

When you are on the site you can answer or ask questions much like Yahoo answers. This site is a lot better though because you can actually make money on it. There is levels on the site  the more you ask and answer the higher your level. They go New User 0-9, Beginner 10-74, Contributor 75-179, Authority 180-659, Expert 660-999, Professor 1000-1999, Brain 2000 and up. The levels aren't really for anything other then bragging rights.

When on the site people ask questions. It is your job to give them the best answer you can possible. You can also ask your own questions. There is a whole bunch of different categories you can do this in. You wont earn money on the site though until you either answer a 100 questions or have 10 answers that the askers award the best answer. Then they will offer you a Google Adsense account. Which once you sign up usually takes about 7 days to be accepted. With out getting Adsense through Webanswers it usually is a lot harder to get one of these accounts. You can use this account with blogs and other websites. What it does is when ever you answer a question on Webanswers and get awarded best answer Google places a ad in that answer. So whenever some one finds that answer on the site or through a search engine and clicks the ad you will make money from then on. If you answer a question and it is never awarded best answer a ad is still placed then the money is split up among all the people who answer that question. When you reach $100 with Adsense you will get a check the next month or have money direct deposited to your account. The more questions you answer the more money you can make from all the clicks. The amount of money you earn from clicks will change depending on what advertiser decides to post their as that day.

There is also a quality score on the system you can't see it but it does affect you. When you answer questions as long as you answer them with correct spelling and periods and commas in the right areas then  your score will be high. Also as long as you write quality answers without coping others work and have some length to your answers you will keep this high score. The high score affects your earning on the site.

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