Friday, October 12, 2012



ASSIGNMENTS: This app gives you different assignments such as show us what you eat on the go, or show us where you relax. You don't only have to upload one photo either you can upload a few if you want. They usually have tons of assignments and offer new ones all the time.

POINTS: They have different levels in this app so you can earn different amounts of points. You start out as a bronze member where you earn 5 points for each photo. When 26 of your photos have been approved you will become a silver member earning 7 points a photo. The final level is Gold where you reach it if you have 51 photos approved and you will earn 9 points a picture.

REWARDS:They have three different rewards you can cash out to. They have
 Amazon gift cards for 200 points $10, 600 $35, 1000 $60
Unicef donations 200 points $10, 600 $35, 1000 $60
Paypal cash 200 points $10, 600 $35, 1000 $60

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