Saturday, October 20, 2012



CHECK IN: Where ever you go a map shows up that shows you stores in the area that offer points.

KICK POINTS: There is a few ways that you can get points on this app. The first way is by click through the differnt stores on the main part of that app. You will notice stars on certain ones and just by clicking on them you can get between 1-5 points sometimes even more. Also by looking at these you can unlock special deals when going into stores.

You can link you debt or credit card upto this app so when you make purchases in stores on this list they will give you bonus points.

You can also get points by just walking into certain stores that are on the list that have sensors. These stores and others will also have items that if you scan there barcodes will offer even more points.

Rewards: The rewards store on this app is always changing. You can get gift cards from Target, Bestbuy, Walmart and even Xbox 360s and more.

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